I started this blog because I take WAY to many pictures and I cant keep up with putting them all in albums. This way I can keep an on going "scrap book" of my little ones lives. My hope is to someday print these out and make each of them a book of their childhood. Heres for you Kendal and Benjamin!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Christmas and more Christmas!!!!

I didnt get very many pictures this Christmas simply because I got a new video camera!!!! YAY!! I spent most of my time using it and slacked off a little with the picture taking :( Here are a few.... Grandma Kim and all 3 babies
Uncle Travy in his new jersey
Landon Keith
Uncle Chris and Benjamin
Again this year we had a wonderful but very busy Christmas. Kendal FINALLY got the "Bendaroos" she has been wanting for a year now, from Grandma Leslie. (thanks grandma!!) She also opened a few puzzles, princess shoes, artsy stuff, a guitar, Polly pockets, clothes, a coat and a very cool book that her and daddy have been reading everyday. Benjamin did really well this year opening his own presents, he was so excited. He received a Tonka truck, tinker toys(that Kendal plays with more than he does), Buz Lightyear, Woody, talking Elmo, puzzles, clothes, etc etc!! They are loved and spoiled by their grandparents.

1 comment:

  1. Amy,you are a talented photographer, and your children will treasure the records of their young lives. The blog is great. Aunt Maggie

