I started this blog because I take WAY to many pictures and I cant keep up with putting them all in albums. This way I can keep an on going "scrap book" of my little ones lives. My hope is to someday print these out and make each of them a book of their childhood. Heres for you Kendal and Benjamin!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Best day EVER!

So usually our weekends fly by in a fraction of a second, we are dead tired, and have no clue what we even did!! I was super excited when Kenny got home Friday afternoon and we realized we had NO PLANS!! We sat around, watched movies together, ate out ALOT (I know...but it was nice to not cook!!) and enjoyed just being home.
Sunday we decided to take the babes to the park for a bit to play. They had a blast and so did we!! I cant even tell you how happy it makes me to see them so happy.
After the a few hours playing at different parks we decided to eat at the drive in. We live a half a mile from Simonton Lake drive in and have never gone there and man am I glad we did! It was delish! Kendal and Ben had there usual chicken strips and fries, and yes it is ALL over my van!
Kendal wanted ice cream so we stopped by Martins and got mint chip and cones!
I couldnt have asked for a better weekend!
Kenny says to me as I am getting ready for bed " just when I think I couldn't be more in love with you and our family, we have a day like today". I was thinking the same thing......

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