I started this blog because I take WAY to many pictures and I cant keep up with putting them all in albums. This way I can keep an on going "scrap book" of my little ones lives. My hope is to someday print these out and make each of them a book of their childhood. Heres for you Kendal and Benjamin!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Kenny is 31 and 3 months.  (giggle)

Kenny loves his family, his job, playing the drums, technology of any kind, the Simpsons, Metallica (ew), laughing and making people laugh.

Kenny is a perfect dad and the kids have so much fun with him.

He loves being a daddy and is so proud of both of his children, he wants the kids to call him "Daddy" and gets sad when one of them calls him "dad". 

 Kenny over thinks everything, worries way too much and is unbelievably stubborn. 

Kenny knows how to make me happy on the worst of days, he's an awesome husband and without a doubt my best friend! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Benjamin Adam Kolin Jones!

Benjamin is 2 years and 8 months

He is STILL not potty trained and has no desire to be.

He is a darn fine example of a terrible two year old but the most loving and cuddly little boy ever ...when HE wants to be.

Benjamin loves Buzz Lightyear the absolute most but anything to do with Toy Story is top notch in his book.

He has a favorite blanket and any other blanket at bedtime is flat out unexceptable, he loves to read books, loves to take baths, loves his sister and mocks everything she does.

Oh and I could watch this boy dance for hours, he is extremely entertaining!!

Love you buddy!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Kendal is 5 yrs and 4 months.

She is mind boggling smart.

She loves drawing (still), dancing, music, gymnastics, Mario Cart on the Wii, posing for pictures, Icarly, Justin Bieber and helping mom clean. She absorbs information like no child I have ever known.

She is very competitive and loves to ask questions about every and anything.  Last question was on different kinds of tape and why they are used. Scotch tape, duct tape, electrical tape, etc..  totally random and I love it!

Things Kendal does NOT like are: Mommy brushing her hair, mommy picking out her clothes, mommy making her eat veggies, bedtime, wearing pants while she sleeps and wearing a winter coat because it's "not comfy!"

My little girl...
